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Food safety regulations in india.

With Food Safety and Standard Act (FSSA), 2006 coming into force across the country from August 5, 2011, anyone found selling adulterated food items now faces rigorous imprisonment and huge fine.
Under the new act, adulterators may be sentenced to even life imprisonment or fine of up to Rs 10 lakh, depending on severity of the crime.
Now, genetically modified food, organic food, health food and dietary supplements, alcohol and beverages can also be tested under this act.
"All the consumable product firms, with an annual turnover of less than Rs 12 lakh, will have to get registered. Firms with annual turnover of over Rs 12 lakh per annum will need licence besides registration."
Medical products, cosmetics, drugs, animal feed and narcotics do not come under the purview of this act.

what is meant by "food"?
primarily it contain nutrients and if necessary other ingredients which influence the acceptability of food.
what is health food?
Health foods are those which are nutritious, prevent diseases and maintain health.

as a consumers one should take up the responsibility to be critically aware of  our rights and should be alert about the conditions, pricing, quality, reliability of the products and services  we use. 

Always be active and assertive towards your right to get a fair deal, so that you are not cheated and exploited by the unfair traders or producers. Always insist on a fair and reasonable deal if not satisfied with the purchase.
