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SLOGANS FOR GOOD HEALTH & good medical practise.

·       Stop smoking-
·       Stop pan chewing.
·       Stop drug trafficking.
·       Stop extramarital activities.
·       Stop sex selection.
·       Stop irrational drug combinations.
·       Stop quackery.
·       Stop using chloro -fluro carbon gases.
·       Stop alcohol consumption.

·       Start vaccination
·       Start sanitation measures
·       Start safe water supply.
·       Start reporting of notified diseases & drug reactions.
·       Start biowaste disposal mechanism.
·       Start practicing eco friendly health projects
·       Start using needle destroyers.
·       Start protecting the ozone layer.
·       Start self breast examination.
·       Start breast feeding.
·       Start rubella vaccination.
·       Start identify potent epidemics & pandemics.
·       Start to learn first-aid &BLS.
·       Start vegetable fiber diet.
·        Star to prescribe good generics.
  • start to update your  skills. 
