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Every one points that , "Against a WHO  recommended norm of 23/25 health workers (doctors, nurses, midwives) per 10,000 population, India has 19 health workers per 10,000 (doctors - 6, nurses and midwives - 13)".
But the statisticians of our country for got the quantity of AYUSH doctors who contributed almost 40% of health care of our country.
Allopathic DOCTORS: 8.4 LAC as per MCI records. of this 2 lac doctors are not active now. so,the ratio at present is  1Allopathic doctor per 2000 population( WHO's ideal ratio: 1doctor per 1000 population).

So, if we mix both allopathic and AYUSH doctors pool, our country is self sufficient and have enough recommended level of doctors i.e 1 doctor per 1000 population.
so,there is no need of Half baked  doctors (BRHC ).
what our country urgently need is lacs of  nurses and paramedics especially in rural areas. 
The Planning Commission's high-level expert group (HLEG)  for got the services and the quantity  of AYUSH doctors and has recommended more medical colleges.
we also in need of doctors who  can address secondary and emergency care,i.e specialists. 
The number of PG seats available in this (2012-13)academic year is 22,194 as against 13,043 in the year 2008-09.
Nurses: 10.7 lakh nurses registered but  six lakh nurses don't exist now.
at present  India's count stands at 1.5:1. ( WHO recommended nurse to doctor ratio is 3:1)
 Female allopathic doctors -- Only 17% of all allopathic doctors and 6% of allopathic doctors in rural areas are women. there is less than one female allopathic doctor per 10,000 population in rural areas (0.5), whereas it is 6.5 in urban areas.
  • one in five dentists are women, while there is one woman in 10 pharmacists.

PUBLIC HEALTH PROFESSIONALS: India is in dire need of public health personnel to address the all public health functions  at the block,mandal,district and state & national level.
 IMA & The Planning Commission's high-level expert group (HLEG) recently suggested the setting up of a Public Health Service Cadre.
MEDICAL COLLEGES: A skewed distribution of medical colleges is another big problem. 
45% of medical colleges are located south India, with 47% of the MBBS seats. 
North India is home to 17% of the medical colleges, with 16% of the MBBS seats. 
Western India accounts for 21% of colleges and 22% of the MBBS seats.
 central India has 5% of medical colleges and 5% of MBBS seats, 
east has 10% of colleges and only 9% MBBS seats. 
Northeastern states are most neglected. It has only 3% of medical colleges and 3% MBBS seats.

so,its found that geographic and rural-urban imbalance exists in training and availability of human resource. 
Medical colleges are unevenly spread across the states with wide disparities in the quality of education. Of the 640 districts, only 193 have a medical college.
During 2009-12, 46 new medical colleges have been set up.
total number of MBBS seat available: 41569.(2012-13)
total number of PG seats available:  22194.(2012-13)
India has 335 medical schools, from which about 41,569  doctors graduate every year.
The southwestern states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu, which together account for 31% of India's population, account for 58% of all medical colleges - both public and private - in the country.

The think tank of our country talks about deficiency of health infra structure but our MOH never try to address this problem. instead, the govt.moots the proposals  to introduce retrograde steps like BRHC, NCHRH,DISSOLUTION OF MCI,TRAINING OF AYUSH  PERSONS IN ALLOPATHIC CARE,etc...
