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medical & health statistics::2012

Annual Health Survey-2011:

India's first district-level health survey showed that 57 districts (out of 287 dist . surveyed ) have the worst health indicators in terms of birth rate, infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate and sex ratio.

in 2011, India had 6.12 lakh registered allopathic doctors.
0.5 doctors per 1,000 population (WHO's norm is  one doctor per 1,000 people). 
to achieve this WHO target by the year 2028 , govt plans  by setting up of 187 medical colleges in 17 high focus states during the 12th and 13th Plan.

MEDICAL UG & PG SEAT MATRIX as on july15th.-2012:
the overall availability of MBBS seats in India is  45,464 and 
seats in PG medical programmes.22,194  + 1442 ( 1,442 new PG seats created in 2012.)
the number of medical colleges in the country is  355.

Roughly 65% of medical colleges and 70% of total medical UG&PG seats are located in south india.

how is the rural health infra structure?
India's rural health services are presently in a dismal state. The latest rural health statistics 2011 say there is a 76% shortage of doctors in rural India,especially in BIMARU states and  there are 53% fewer nurses, specialist doctors are short by 88%, radiographers are short by 85% and laboratory technicians are short by 80%. 

As against the need to have 1,78,267 sub-centres, there are only 1,48,124 — about 17% short. A quarter of them don't have water and electricity. 

as per  National Rural Health Mission report -
 out of the sanctioned posts, about 59.4% of surgeons, 45% of obstetricians and gynecologists, 61.1% of physicians and 53.8% of pediatricians were vacant. In effect, 67% of doctors enrolled for rural posting remain absent from duty.
46 new medical colleges have been established just in the last two years raising the number from 289 to 335 at present," Azad said. He added that the number of MBBS seats have gone up from 32,892 to 41,469 - an increase of 8,577 seats. Similarly the number of PG seats has been ramped from 13,000 to 21,181, or an increase of 8,181 seats (62%).

The ministry has sanctioned a National Institute of Paramedical Sciences (NIPS) at Delhi and eight Regional Institutes of Excellence (RIPS) at Chandigarh, Lucknow, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Coimbatore, Bhubaneswar, Patna and Aurangabad.

Government is planning to increase the number of seats in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to ensure the doctor-patient ratio of 1:1000 as against the current ratio of 1:2000  :
                  80,000 MBBS and 45,000 PG seats in India by 2021.
