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Emergency drugs:

Proposed List of Commonly Used Emergency 

Medicines/Life Saving Drugs- 

by Prof. Roy Chaudhury

Adenosine Injection
Adrenaline Bitartrate Injection
Aminophylline Injection
Amiodarone Injection
Antisnake venon inj polyvalent Injection
Antitetnus Human Immunoglobulin Injection
Atropine sulphate 0.6mg/ml Injection
Calcium chloride Injection
Chloroquine phosphate 64.5 mg/ml (5ml amp) Injection
Dextran-70 Injection
Diazepam 5mg/ml Injection
Dicyclomine hydrochloride 10mg/ml Injection
Diphenhydramine Injection
Diltizem Injection
Diptheria Antitoxin Injection
Dobutamine 50mg/ml (5 ml amp) Injection
Dopamine hydrochloride 40mg/ml (5ml amp) Injection
Epinephrine hydrochloride 1mg/ml Injection
Flumazenil Injection
Fresh Frozen Plasma Injection
Frusemide 10mg/ml Injection
Glucose with sodium chloride Injection
Glyceryl trinitrate 5mg/ml Injection
D50% Injection
Haloperidol Injection

Heparin sodium 5000IU/ml Injection
Hydrocortisone sodium succinate 100mg/ml Injection
Insulin soluble (bovine + porcine or porcine) 40IU/ml Injection
Lignocaine IV 2% Injection
Lidocaine 2% Injection
Magnesium sulphate Injection
Mannitol 10%, 20% Injection
Metoclopramide 5mg/ml
Metoprolol 1mg/ml Injection
Morphine sulphate Injection
N/2 saline Injection
N/5 saline Injection
Naloxone 0.4mg/ml Injection
Neostigmine 0.5, 2.5mg/ml Injection
Oxygen Inhalation
Oxytocin Injection
Pancuronium 2mg/ml Injection
Phenobarbitone 200mg/ml Injection
Phenytoin 50mg/ml Injection
Potassium Chloride Injection
Pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM) 25mg/ml Injection
Protamine sulphate Injection

Rabies vaccine Injection 
Ringer lactate Injection
Salbutamol sulphate Inhalation 
Sodium bicarbonate Injection
Succinyl choline 50mg/ml Injection
Streptokinase Injection
Tetanus Toxoid Injection
Vitamin K 10mg/ml Injection
