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know the titles.. doctor / paramedic/ councils..

1. who is a medical doctor? 
Any speciality may be considered as Medical when practiced by a Doctor holding an MBBS degree / Post graduate degree.  At present the medical practitioners who have necessary qualifications prescribed in Medical Council of India Act, 1956 are legally entitled for examination, diagnosis and making a treatment plan of patients.
The Government of India, for regulating the profession of Modern Medicine, as contemplated in the List-I under item 65 (a) and in List – III under item 26 of the Constitution of India vide G.O.No.R/1405/25/96 dated 25-November, 2003, has fixed the existing systems of medicine in India under the said provisions of the Constitution of India.  
The Supreme Court of India has clearly ruled in a judgment that only a person having a recognized qualification of the Medical Council of India and holds the registration alone can practice modern scientific medicine 
2. who shall register in paramedical council?
       paramedics (  Allied Health Professionals ) like Nurses, Pharmacists, Radiographers, Medical laboratory technologists , Speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapist,  etc..

Even in countries where Allied Health Professionals are  having high standardization, they are never granted equity with medical practitioners and are prohibited from diagnosing, prescribing and deciding treatment.
 B.Sc  MLT ,B.Sc  M.Pharm, B.Sc  Nursing and BPT are  Allied Health Professionals both in India and abroad, but not separate systems of medicine.. In short  these are  a supportive group for the medical profession and does not have an independent status.

3. what are the independent councils of medicine in india ?
  • The only independent councils of Medicine in India are -
  •  the Indian Medical Council under the Indian Medical Council Act for modern medicine, 
  • Indian Medicine Central Council for the Indian System of medicine and 
  • the Homeopathy Central Council for the Homeopathic system of medicine. 
  • The Dental Council is only an extension of the Indian Medical Council, for the branch of Dentistry. 

The Pharmacy Council and the Nursing Council are only Paramedical Councils. They are also called Allied Health Professionals.  
                             note: the Government of Kerala had rejected the claim of clinical psychologists doing  independent practice.the Government of Kerala had rejected their demand as one not legally permissible, vide order number G.O.(Rt) 4148/2008/H&FWD dated 12.12.2008.
and also the Government of Kerala had rejected the claim of physiotherapists  doing  independent practice and having separate medical register.
thanks to govt of kerala and QPMA.
