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what is the deadliest contagious disease ?
HOW many diseases can be transmitted through the  contaminated blood exposure?
About 200.
how much time the virus of HEP-B & C can survive ?
 Hepatitis B virus can SURVIVE ON COUNTER TOPS FOR UPTO SEVEN DAYS and remain capable of causing infection.  Hepatitis C virus can survive on environmental surfaces for up to 16 HOURS.

what will happen if HEP-C infected fluid splash over mucosal surfaces ?
Transmission of hepatitis C virus can occur from infected fluid splashes to the conjunctiva.
what should one do as first aid for post exposure?
The first step after being exposed to blood or bodily fluids is to wash the area well with soap and water.

By the by Today is World Hepatitis Day- ( 28st July 2011)  
