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Medical Practice in India: From Tradition to Innovation-PART 1

  Medical Practice in India: From Tradition to Innovation India's healthcare landscape, once dominated by traditional systems like Ayurveda and Unani, has undergone a dramatic transformation over the past century. From rudimentary clinics to advanced hospitals, the journey of medical practice in India reflects the nation's evolution, grappling with both challenges and triumphs. Yesterday: Roots in Tradition For centuries, India thrived on indigenous systems of medicine. Ayurveda, with its holistic approach to health, and Unani, drawing from Greco-Arabic influences, provided healthcare to the masses. Traditional healers, often revered within their communities, played a crucial role in treating ailments using natural remedies and practices. However, limitations of these systems, including lack of scientific validation and standardized protocols, became apparent. Today: Bridging the Gap The 20th century witnessed a surge in modern medicine, ushered in by the establishment
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