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Showing posts from February, 2025

CarePod™, the World's First AI Doctor's Office

  The CarePod is a self-service medical station that uses AI to provide healthcare services without the need for a doctor. It's designed to be located in high-traffic areas like malls, gyms, and offices.  How does it work? Users can get their blood pressure checked, blood drawn, and throat swabbed  The CarePod uses AI to analyze the results and create personalized health plans  The CarePod also offers biometric scans and disease detection  W hat are the benefits? The CarePod is intended to make primary medical care more accessible  The CarePod offers a seamless, immersive, and user-driven experience  Where are they located? The CarePods are initially being deployed in metropolitan areas like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and the San Francisco Bay Area  Forward plans to double its CarePod footprint in 2024 

Do you like Happy life or Meaningful life?

Happiness vs. Meaningfulness:  Do You have to Choose between Them or Can they Coexist with Each Other?   Everything we do is either for pleasure or to avoid pain.  Yes! Every step by human being is induced by either the desire to be happy or out of fear. People about whom we say they work selflessly for others derive happiness from the happiness of others so in a way, they're working for their happiness only. I would enhance it further by claiming that the fear, or the avoiding pain part is a result of our desire of happiness only. We avoid grief, pain, sorrow because they will rob us of our happiness. We want pleasure because it gives happiness and avoid pain because it takes happiness. So the conclusion which can be drawn is that all human actions are motivated by the desire to be happy, which can serve as a combination of the two above stated motives.   The following two slokas of Gita are  tools of practise to live meaningful life! There is one kind of...

What is Section 22-A(1)(e)? Regarding lands in AP?

 Dear friends, In AP, Lacs of COMPLAINTS regarding land issues especially those notified under prohibitive list of registration dept, that has been plaguing all people including so many doctors .  To share some basic information regarding this burning issue and the new govt.'s proposal to  relax all lands under 22-a/1/e and remove them from prohibitive list after doing sub-divisional survey. What is Section 22-A(1)(e)?  Section 22-A(1)(e) specifically deals with assigned lands.  These are lands that have been assigned by the government to landless individuals for agricultural purposes or as house sites. The idea behind assigning these lands is to help economically weaker sections of society, particularly those who do not have the means to own property. The core objective of Section 22-A(1)(e) is to prohibit the sale or transfer of these assigned lands. The law ensures that these lands remain with the people for whom they were originally intended, preventing ...

CHAVA- A Stark& painful reminder to Indian society

  The Distortion of History: The Case of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj and Academic Bias Yesterday, while reading the Wikipedia page on Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, I was struck by the sheer audacity with which his legacy has been maligned. The article portrays him as a philanderer, a defector, and a ruler of questionable moral character. These descriptions, devoid of context and objectivity, betray a larger problem that has plagued Indian academia for decades: the hijacking of historical narratives by a Left-leaning cabal that seeks to diminish the contributions of India’s indigenous heroes while glorifying those who fit their ideological agenda. Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, the eldest son of the legendary Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, was a brave warrior and a staunch defender of Swarajya. He faced immense challenges during his reign, including relentless attacks from the Mughal Empire, internal strife, and betrayals. Yet, history books, including Wikipedia, often reduce his ...

Foreign Influence in India's Health -Be Alert'

  Foreign Influence in India's Health and Education Systems: A Cause for Concern The specter of foreign interference in India's domestic affairs is not confined to the realm of elections. Recent concerns have emerged regarding the influence of foreign agencies in critical sectors such as healthcare and education. This article delves into the roles of USAID, foreign NGOs, and influential foundations in shaping India's health policies and education systems, raising important questions about national sovereignty and autonomy. USAID's Role in the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) The National Family Health Survey (NFHS), a cornerstone of India's health policy-making, has been significantly influenced by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) since the 1990s. USAID's involvement extended beyond funding to designing surveys and analyzing data, effectively steering India's health responses. This collaboration, while intended to enha...

Unmasking Colonial Lies!

Unmasking Colonial Lies: How the British Systematically Distorted Hindu History and Culture. "Unmasking Colonial Lies: The British systematically distorted Hindu history and culture through biased interpretations, textual manipulation, and the promotion of divisive narratives to solidify their imperial power." For generations, Indians have been educated under a historical narrative meticulously crafted by colonial powers and their allies. From school textbooks to popular culture, a certain image of Hindu society – steeped in superstition, barbaric rituals, and inherent backwardness – has been relentlessly projected. But what if this entire narrative is a carefully constructed facade? What if the history we've been taught for the last century is not just incomplete, but a deliberate  hoax  designed to instill shame and self-loathing in Hindus, while glorifying the colonial project? It's a jarring realization, but increasingly, historical revisionism is revealing ...

Bust the Stress'! A Small Story!

 This is the story of a successful woman who, after a lifetime of chasing her dreams and achieving national recognition, found herself overwhelmed by stress. Seeking help proved ineffective until she discovered a book written basing on Bhagavad Gita. This small story reveals how the book helped her reclaim her inner strength, understand the source of her suffering, and break free from despair. The sterile scent of the hospital clung to Gargi verma like a shroud. Another sleepless night, another round of tests showing nothing concrete, yet she knew. She knew the relentless pressure in her chest, the constant humming anxiety, the fatigue that felt bone-deep wasn't just "life." It was stress, slowly and meticulously dismantling her from the inside. "In order to heal from stress, you have to understand exactly how it’s been killing you from the inside," the doctor had said, his voice a gentle echo in her mind. But how? All the blood    work was normal. She was fun...

Don't Play with DOPAMINE!

Without dopamine, you would die.  • No motivation • No movement • No decision-making skills.   It’s the most important molecule in your brain. So, what IS dopamine, and what does it do? Dopamine drives, predicts and explains 99% of human behavior. Yet people have NO IDEA what it is. Despite common belief, dopamine is NOT a molecule of pleasure. Its role is drastically different… Dopamine is a neurotransmitter - a chemical “messenger” in the brain. It delivers information between neurons (nerve cells). The purpose of dopamine is simple: Secure your survival and reproduction. Basic instincts of all living beings. This is done through a process called “Reinforcement Learning”: Reinforcement learning trains your brain to seek rewards ( Satiation (sex, food ) & security and status) based on observed cues. The goal is to PREDICT actions that consistently lead to rewards. But this is where it gets interesting … Here’s how your brain reacts to reward s:  • Unexpe...

Union Budget 2025: Key Takeaways for the Healthcare Sector

                      Union Budget 2025: Key Takeaways for the Healthcare Sector 1. Not enough Healthcare Allocation: Total allocation: ₹99,859 crore, a 9.8% increase from the previous fiscal year. Focus on strengthening healthcare operations and infrastructure. 2.Support for Pharmaceutical Industry: ₹2,445 crore allocated for the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme to enhance domestic manufacturing and innovation. 3.Healthcare Education Expansion: Introduction of 10,000 new medical college seats, with plans for an additional 75,000 seats over five years to meet rising healthcare demands. 4 .Focus on Healthcare Innovation: ₹500 crore investment in new Centres of Excellence for AI to drive tech-driven healthcare solutions. New credit card scheme for micro-enterprises offering up to ₹5 lakh to enhance financial flexibility. 5.Promoting Health Equity: Funds allocated for broadband connectivity in ...

why Every seeker should participate in Maha Kumbh?

  Auspicious Alignments: Unveiling the Power of the Kumbh Mela. This is considered an auspicious time, a period imbued with unique spiritual potential. Why? It's believed that the alignment of the Sun, Jupiter, Earth, and Moon at specific angles generates powerful cosmic vibrations. These vibrations subtly alter the electromagnetic fields of the Earth and Moon, and significantly impact living beings, especially humans with their more developed minds. These energies are particularly conducive to spiritual practice and are considered beneficial for pursuing profound self-discovery. Thus, the current period is viewed as favorable for austerities. But why are places like Prayag, and the ritualistic dip in the Sangam (confluence), considered so important? And why the observance of particular austerities? The answer lies in the history and the celestial phenomena that underpin the Kumbh Mela. Prayag, along with Haridwar, Nashik, and Ujjain, attained sacred status long ago. Legend s...